Coldstream Guards Association


Online Branch

Branch Meetings

Can't get to branch meetings?  Not near a branch?  Want to stay in contact and kept up to date? 

Stay In Touch

Still want to receive updates and news from the regiment and from the branches that are nearest you.

Online Privacy

Worried about your privacy? Then our virtual branch  will keep you up to date and protect your privacy.

No Social Media

Don't like Facebook or Social Media?  Then here's a brand new 'old fashioned' method of staying in touch.

 Our virtual 1650 Branch is just for you

 Join the Coldstream Guards Association's new online branch  for updates and community, no Facebook required! Stay connected with the regiment and fellow Coldstreamers, even if you can't attend meetings. Discover our 1650 online branch it's our  alternative way to belong and continue supporting our motto:

 'Once a Coldstreamer, always a Coldstreamer.'

Read more here

We are aligned to one of the oldest British military associations:  

The Coldstream Guards Association.  

Membership to our online branch is open to everyone who served in the Coldstream Guards regardless of where they live. 

  If you know of a 'Coldstreamer' why not tell them about and the new 1650 branch